Karyon Industries Berhad (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “the Group”) recognises and is committed to maintaining, observing and practicing high ethical standards of professionalism and integrity at all times in respect of its business and operations.
The Directors and Key Senior Management of the Group are expected to discharge their duties in a professional, honest and ethical manner at all times, and to avoid any conflict or potential conflict between their personal interests and the Group’s interest.
The establishment of a Conflict of Interest Policy (“Policy”) which sets out the framework and appropriate controls and measures to ensure systematic identification and management of such conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest in an effective and timely manner is therefore important in order to ensure that the interest of the Group are protected and that any situation which could give rise to a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest is properly reported and managed.
Download Conflit of Interest Policy (PDF | 190KB | English).
This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors on 11 July 2023.